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We specialize in providing labor services
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Gulf Workers 

ِWe combine innovation and excellence in providing integrated labor services that meet your business aspirations and achieve your goals. We put our experience and modern recruitment technology at your service to ensure that you find the right talent quickly and efficiently

ان تكون مؤسسة عمالة الخليج لتشغيل و الصيانة قادرة على تغير الصورة النمطية لتقديم الخدمات العمالية في المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال
  • اختيار افضل الكوادر البشرية
  • دراسة متأنية لإحتياجات كل عميل من الكوادر البشرية
  • الإلتزام بمعاير و متطلبات لكل مهنة
  • سرعة التنفيذ و استقدام التقنية الحديثة في التواصل مع العملاء
  • الأسعار المنافسة
  • احترم حقوق كافة اطراف العقد

تقديم خدماتنا بكفاءة وتميز مما سيضيف قيمة إلى أرباب العمل من خلال استقطاب الكوادر البشرية المناسبة.

الإلتزام : بأعلى مستويات الجودة و أخلاقيات المهنة في تقديم خدماتنا توفير : بيئة عمل جاذبة للكفائات و العمل على تطويرها إستخدام: افضل الكفائات المهنية و الأساليب العملية الحديثة في تقديم خدماتنا. السعي : لبناء علاقات مهنية و شخصية قوية مع عملائنا مع المحافظة عليها و كسب ثقتم و رضاهم. التفاني: في تلبية احتياجات عملائنا و ان نكون دوما فوق مستوى توقعاتهم.

نسعى ان يكون لنا دور و بصمة واضحة “قيمة مضافة” في دعم اقتصاديات سوق العمل من خلال تنمية و تطوير اداء اكبر عدد ممكن من الشركات التي نقدم لها خدمات توفير الموارد البشرية حتى تكون لهم الريادة في مجال اعمالهم و ان نساعدهم على تحقيق اهدافهم و تنميتها وتحقيق اعلى عائد ممكن منها في ظل اخلاقيات المهنة

Our Vision

Gulf Workers.Est will be able to change the stereotype of providing labor services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through

  • Choosing the best human resources
  • Careful study of the client's human resources needs
  • Commitment to the standards and requirements of each profession
  • The speed of implementation and the introduction of modern technology in communicating with customers
  • Competitive Prices
  • Respect the rights of all parties to the contract
  • Our Goal

    Providing our services efficiently and distinguished, which will add value to employers by attracting suitable human resources

    Our Values ​​& Principles

    Commitment: to the highest levels of quality and professional ethics in providing our services
    Providing: an attractive work environment for talent and working to develop it
    Use: the best professional competencies and modern practical methods in providing our services.
    Striving: To build strong professional and personal relationships with our clients with the governorate and gain their trust and satisfaction.
    Dedication: to meet the needs of our customers and to always be above the standard expect them.

    Our Message

    We seek to have a clear “added value” role and imprint in supporting The economics of the labor market through the development of the performance of the largest possible number of The companies to which we provide human resource services so that you have them Leadership in their field of work and to help them achieve and develop their goals Achieving the highest possible return from it in light of professional ethics

    Our Vision

    The Gulf Workers company for operation and maintenance be able to change the image The typical delivery of labor services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through

  • Choosing the best human cadres
  • Careful study of the needs of each client of human cadres
  • Commitment to the standards and requirements of each profession
  • The speed of implementation and the introduction of modern technology in communicating with customers
  • Competitive Prices
  • Respect the rights of all parties to the contract
  • Our Vision

    The Gulf Workers company for operation and maintenance be able to change the image The typical delivery of labor services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through

  • Choosing the best human cadres
  • Careful study of the needs of each client of human cadres
  • Commitment to the standards and requirements of each profession
  • The speed of implementation and the introduction of modern technology in communicating with customers
  • Competitive Prices
  • Respect the rights of all parties to the contract
  • Our Goal

    Providing our services with efficiency and distinction, which will add value to the employers by attracting the appropriate human cadres.

    Our Goal

    Providing our services with efficiency and distinction, which will add value to the employers by attracting the appropriate human cadres.

    Our Values ​​& Principles

    Commitment: to the highest levels of quality and professional ethics in providing our services
    Providing: an attractive work environment for talent and working to develop it
    Use: the best professional competencies and modern practical methods in providing our services.
    Striving: To build strong professional and personal relationships with our clients with the governorate and gain their trust and satisfaction.
    Dedication: to meet the needs of our customers and to always be above the standard expect them.

    Our Values ​​& Principles

    Commitment: to the highest levels of quality and professional ethics in providing our services
    Providing: an attractive work environment for talent and working to develop it
    Use: the best professional competencies and modern practical methods in providing our services.
    Striving: To build strong professional and personal relationships with our clients with the governorate and gain their trust and satisfaction.
    Dedication: to meet the needs of our customers and to always be above the standard expect them.

    Our Message

    We seek to have a clear “added value” role and imprint in supporting The economics of the labor market through the development and development of the performance of the largest possible number of The companies to which we provide human resource services so that you have them Leadership in their field of work and to help them achieve and develop their goals Achieving the highest possible return from it in light of professional ethics

    Our Message

    We seek to have a clear “added value” role and imprint in supporting The economics of the labor market through the development and development of the performance of the largest possible number of The companies to which we provide human resource services so that you have them Leadership in their field of work and to help them achieve and develop their goals Achieving the highest possible return from it in light of professional ethics

    Target Sectors

    Gulf Workers.Est aims to serve and supply the following sectors With all the required human resources

    Oil and Gas

    Trade and Markets



    Transport and Conductors

    Service Sector

    Industrial Sector


    Tourism and Hotel

    Communication and information technology

    Agriculture and food